about us

about us


The Zimbabwe Microfinance Fund (Private) Limited, (ZMF), is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Zimbabwe Microfinance Wholesale Facility Trust (ZMWFT). The institution was formed in 2011 to operate as a financial apex organisation providing on-lending capital to financial service providers (FSPs) that include MFIs, SACCOs, Agricultural Value Chain Actors (AgVCA) and Banks downscaling to serve the bottom of the pyramid entrepreneurs. The birth of the Fund followed the collapse of the local currency and the adoption of the multi currencies in 2009. Most FSPs lost their assets in that process and the need for funding to resuscitate the sector became acute. The initial seed capital for ZMF was provided by DFID, HIVOS, Danida and GIZ.


The goal (purpose of existence), of ZMF is to reduce poverty and create employment through access to financial services that will be responsive to the needs of the population, especially women and the economically active poor, in a manner that will foster sustainability and financial inclusion.


To become the investment fund of choice in Zimbabwe and beyond.


To provide quality and sustainable funding to Financial Service Providers and SMEs that are committed to improving the social, economic and environmental well-being of the communities they serve.

Our Values


We strive to be transparent, accountable, honest and ethical in all our dealings.


We seek to challenge existing practices and strive to find ways to continuously improve our value proposition.


ZMF strives to provide reliable timely and memorable service to our customers.


We seek to treat our customers with dignity and equality irrespective of gender, ethnicity, colour or creed.


We care for each other, recognize meaningful contributions, and reward outstanding performance.